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Google has been updating their algorithms to keep providing valuable relevant high-quality content to the searchers. There is a new update to the Google search engine algorithm as of February 24th 2011. You can read more about this update in the blog posted a few days ago by Google fellow Amit Singhal and principal engineer Matt Cutts.

The major change is about providing search result relevant content faster to the people eliminating websites that provide low quality content. The algorithm is will give higher ranking to sites that provide more valuable content based on original information, researched information, in-depth reports, and thoughtful analysis. However it will also punish websites that copy information from other websites, offer low value-added information or information that is just not useful. There are a number of changes as well and this release of changes is big as it documented in the blog that 11.8% of their queries are impacted.

This can be both a good news as well as bad news. Many websites or individuals have created website “content farming” that purposely loaded their websites heavy with keywords will be cracked down.

So the bottom line is, if you are in a business, continue to provide your valuable information to the audience and remember to be authentic, true, real, and original. If you are adding value to people’s life, then there is nothing to worry for you, in fact you will be rewarded. As they say when you always do the right thing, the good thing and speak and say the truth sooner or later you will be rewarded. It’s a matter when not if.

Now that we have learned how to generate massive traffic for free using the SEO Optimized website, I would suggest you check out how to generate Free Targeted Leads every day.

AJ – Online Lead generation Specialist and Attraction Marketing Coach, owns a credit repair business Financial Education Services.

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